Bolstered immunity - Renewal Center

What is bolstered immunity?

A healthy immune system is our body's defense against illness and infection. Bolstering immunity refers to supporting and strengthening this defense system to optimize its functioning. This can be done through lifestyle measures like proper nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sleep. Supplements like vitamins C and D, zinc, and probiotics may also reinforce immunity.

Immune function naturally declines with age. Chronic health issues, medications, and poor lifestyle habits can also weaken immunity over time. When our defenses are lowered, we become more prone to frequent colds/flu, long-lasting illnesses, and more serious infections.

Some key ways to bolster weakened immunity include:

Making long-term sustainable changes through diet, restful sleep, active lifestyle, and stress-relieving practices helps construct overall resilience. This guards us during seasonal illness outbreaks and against new virus threats. Supportive immune-boosting supplements add another layer of defense to fortify the body's native abilities to fight infection.

Now's an excellent time to optimize wellness routines and make positive improvements to safeguard health this coming year! Reach out to your integrative doctor like Renewal Center to design a personalized plan. Here's to building robust immunity in 2023!

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