Decreased libido - Renewal Center

Decreased libido, also known as lower or reduced sex drive, refers to a decrease in the desire, interest, and attraction to sexual activity or sexual fantasies. It is an extremely common problem that can impact people of all ages and genders. There are many potential causes of lower libido, but some of the most common include:

The good news is there are many solutions that may help boost libido. Lifestyle changes like getting adequate sleep, reducing alcohol intake, exercising regularly, managing stress, and eating a healthy whole foods diet can all support healthy hormone levels. Consider speaking to your doctor to have hormone levels tested, as imbalance in key hormones like testosterone is a very common cause. Specific medical therapies like testosterone replacement therapy may be recommended if hormone deficiencies are found. Additionally, opening up communication in your relationships and working through any trust issues or conflicts can remove emotional barriers to desire and attraction. Consider speaking to a sex-positive couples counselor as well. With some determination to identify the root cause and smart solutions targeted to your unique situation, most cases of lowered sex drive can be greatly improved or reversed entirely. Don't lose hope! Take back control of your sexuality by reaching out for help. Your future and present partners will thank you.

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