Hormone imbalance - Renewal Center

What is hormone imbalance?

A hormone imbalance occurs when there are too much or too little of a certain hormone in the body. Hormones are chemicals produced by the endocrine glands and released into the bloodstream. They travel to tissues and organs and influence many of the body's processes including growth and development, metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, mood, etc.

Some common signs and symptoms of a hormone imbalance include:

Hormones most often imbalanced

The hormones that are most often imbalanced include:

What causes hormone imbalance?

There are many potential causes of hormone imbalance including:

Treating a hormone imbalance

If you suspect a hormone imbalance, it's important to see your doctor and get the right tests done. Based on test results and symptoms, your doctor can determine which hormones are out of balance and discuss the best treatment options for you. Common treatment approaches include:

At Renewal Center, our expert physicians provide comprehensive care for hormone imbalance including advanced hormone testing and personalized treatment plans using the latest evidence-based hormone therapies to help restore optimal balance.

Whether you are experiencing perimenopause, andropause, thyroid disorders or other hormone issues, the caring professionals at Renewal Center have extensive experience helping patients successfully treat hormone imbalances. Call today to schedule an appointment!

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