Loss of muscle - Renewal Center

What is loss of muscle?

Muscle loss, known medically as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle cells shrink or degrade. This leads to weaker, smaller muscles and reduced strength.

There are a few common causes of muscle loss:

Diets deficient in protein tend to cause more muscle loss than just calorie restriction.

For example, low testosterone in older men accelerates loss of lean muscle mass.

Muscle loss matters because it can:

Can muscle loss be prevented or reversed?

Yes! While some loss is inevitable with aging, many lifestyle changes can slow, stop, or potentially reverse muscle loss. Strategies include:

Renewal Center specializes in personalized hormone treatments to address low testosterone, growth hormone deficiency, and other hormone imbalances. Their comprehensive programs couple physician-guided hormone therapy with tailored nutrition and exercise plans to help patients regain strength, muscle mass, and vitality.

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