Unexplained weight gain

What is unexplained weight gain?

Unexplained weight gain refers to gaining weight without an clear cause. There are many potential reasons for unexplained weight gain to occur.

Some common causes include:

If you are experiencing sudden, rapid, or unexplained weight gain, consider making an appointment with your healthcare provider, or specialists like the professionals at Renewal Center. They can help identify potential causes through lab testing and medical evaluation, and provide customized treatment plans to get to the bottom of what's causing your weight fluctuations.

Some key things they may evaluate include:

Unexplained weight gain can be frustrating. But identifying the root cause is the first step towards getting your weight back on track with the safest, most effective solutions for your unique situation. The endocrinology experts at Renewal Center use cutting-edge testing and personalized care plans to help patients finally solve their unexplained weight mysteries once and for all.

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